The District Coordinator for Inclusive Education Program of Gemawan, Nurfauziah, said that her party will provide assistance up to the government.
According to Fauziah, her party currently has provided three models of assistance. Among them are assistance to school communities, assistance to internal organizations in Gemawan, and later assistance to the government.
One of the schools provided with the assistance is SDN 28 of Mengkayat, Teluk Keramat District.
“For the phase of the assistance, we divide it to some stages, firstly to school communities, then to organizational level and to the government,” she said, at a meeting with the Regency Level School Community, at the Sambas State Polytechnic, Thursday (14/2/2019).
She explained that for the assistance of the program, currently the willingness is to prioritize a Human Rights approach (HAM).
According to her, the assistance was done because Gemawan did not promise physical assistance, yet provided assistance in the form of capacity building and service to students in their own schools.
“We take an approach based on human rights, because Gemawan did not promise physical assistance. Assistance from services is in capacity building.” she explained.
“The community was formed to improve inclusive education in order to be able to also provide services to children with disabilities. We hope that later the schools can improve their capacity and the quality of their services.” she continued.
As for the number of schools given assistance by Gemawan and Yappika on that occasion, there were 10 schools from all over Sambas Regency.
Eventually, Gemawan will provide assistance to the schools, such as assistance in improving facilities and infrastructure, improving services, etc.
To her, this is important considering that if the school is in bad condition or is damaged, the study hours of students will be disturbed.
Therefore, she invited all parties, including the community, to be able to voice it and fight for it together.
Meanwhile, the final target of the assistance is that there will be an increase in the budget of education from the local government to the world of education.
In the hope of being able to pay attention to school conditions assisted by Gemawan and Yappika.
“The target of the assistance is that in the future there will be an increase in the budget of education from the local government to the world of education,” she concluded.