Gemawan Distributes Information Boards to 10 Primary Schools to Encourage Accountability of BOS Funds

Gemawan Distributes Information Boards to 10 Primary Schools to Encourage Accountability of BOS Funds

KALBAR SATU – Gemawan Institute as a local partner cooperated with YAPPIKA Actionaid to distribute information boards to 10 (ten) assisted primary schools (SD). Ten primary schools which received the information boards included SDN (Public Primary School) 29 of Sukaramai,

Importance of Fostering Mutual Cooperation Value, School Community and Teachers of SDN 29 of Suka Ramai Holds Gotong Royong

Mutual Cooperation Value

PONTIANAK SATU – Mengisi hari libur orang tua siswa bersama komunitas sekolah SDN 29 Suka Ramai, Kabupaten Sambas, laksanakan gotong royong bersihkan lingkungan Sekolah, Minggu (19/01/2020). Pada kegiatan tersebut semua tampak begitu antusias, dengan membawa perlengkapan seperti parang, cangkul dan siswa