Workshop Perhutanan Sosial Persoalan Lahan

To accelerate access and recognition of community on land and forests in West Kalimantan in particular, Gemawan as an association focusing on the management of natural resources and villages invited several villages in which territories included in social forestry category to attend a workshop with the theme ‘Empowered Villages, Protected Natural Resources and Prosperous Community ‘, Saturday (25/8/2018).


A number of 50 participants attended consisting of 4 regencies in West Kalimantan. Through guest speakers who understand the process of accelerating ownership of forests and land for the community, the village leaders who were present were given clear information and understanding on forest and land management ownership rights in their respective territories.


One of the participants who attended, as the Secretary of Bumbun Village, Sadaniang District, Mempawah Regency, Asikin, explained that his party did not know about the information on ownership rights to forest and land management for the villagers.


“We were previously worried that the forest and land in our areas were controlled by the industry, and when this workshop was presented, I personally just realized that we villagers were given the opportunity to apply for forest and land ownership rights in our areas,” Asikin explained when being met at the workshop location, Wisma Nusantara, Jln. Suprapto Pontianak.


Similar thing was also stated by Herwan SH, a representative from Matang Labong Village, Tebas District, Sambas Regency. He just figured out that the forest and land in his area can be managed by local residents. The thing is during this time Herwan as a youth in his area also did not understand how to make the forest and land in his area managed by the local community.


There was also Syahrondi from Kubu Padi, Kuala Mandor B Kubu Raya District. Syahrondi, representing the Kubu Padi residents, expressed his gratitude for the understanding and information provided by Gemawan Association.


“We really appreciate and are very grateful to our fellows from Gemawan, who have given us new knowledge and understanding of the status of land and forest management ownership rights in our areas. In the future we hope that the government can simplify the filing process even more,” Syahrondi, who is the finance officer in Kubu Padi Village, stated.


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Villagers Hope Workshop From Gemawan Gives Solutions to Land Problems in Their Areas
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