In 2018, when Gemawan Association, in collaboration with YAPPIKA-ActionAid supported by the European Union, started the school community assistance in Sambas Regency, she was very excited to participate. Although she is not a coordinator, she is a community mobilizer. Mrs.
Construction of SDN 15 Seburing Starts, Rehabilitate Classrooms and Toilet
SAMBAS, SP – Gemawan Association transfered the renovation of classrooms and a toilet at SDN 15 Seburing, Semparuk District. The handover was done by the Deputy Member of Sambas DPRD, Suriadi and the Head of Primary Education of Education
SDN 15 Seburing Soon Has Total Renovation
SAMBAS – It is estimated that after July 2021, total renovation of five classes of SD Negeri (Public Primary School) 15 Seburing Gersik, Semparuk District, Sambas Regency, will begin. Currently, the administrative process continues, an auction will be held.
Government has to Publish Covid-19 Budget Details
PONTIANAK – The government has to publish the details of the Covid-19 handling budget during the pandemic. This publication is a form of transparency as regulated in Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information. Moreover, there was
Webinar: Covering Thoroughly Transparency of Covid-19 Pandemic Budget in Pontianak City
The transparency of Covid-19 budget use is currently in the spotlight of various parties in order to realize the right use of government budgets. In collaboration with Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) of Pontianak City, Gemawan Institute held a webinar
Our Duty In The Time Of Covid-19 Pandemic
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government provides direct and indirect aid packages for people. A large amount of funds have been distributed as anticipation strategies during this outbreak/pandemic. Hard work is needed to ensure that the huge amount of funds
NGO Synergy and Collaboration – Government Must Uphold Independence and Remain Critical
KALBAR SATU – Executive Director of Gemawan, Laili Khainur said that the Provincial Government has involved civil society in its government. She conveyed this when becoming a guest speaker for the Public Forum “New Road Map of West Kalimantan: Civil
Discussion on Forest and Land Governance Improvement with Presidential Instruction No. 08/2018 Momentum
Monday (04/11), Gemawan Institute with Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI) of Pontianak held a discussion entitled Accelerating Forest and Land Governance Improvement through the Implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 8/2018 (Moratorium of Palm Oil License) in West Kalimantan. The activity presented
Gemawan Initiates Anti-Corruption School in West Kalimantan
Gemawan News– Gemawan held Anti-Corruption School abbreviated as SAKsi coordinated by a Legal Expert Staff of Gemawan, Sri Haryanti, located at the Office Hall of the Swandiri Institute, on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Gang Silva Jaya Number 3. It was attended
SAKsi Agenda of Gemawan, Officially Opened by Secretary General of TI Indonesia
Gemawan News-Anti-Corruption School was held by Gemawan coordinated by Sri Haryanti, an Expert Legal Staff of Gemawan, in the Office Hall of Swandiri Institute, which was directly opened by the Secretary General of Transparency International (TI) Indonesia, Dadang Trisasongko, (Wednesday/21/9/2016).