The waste donation baskets are placed at several points for people who want to donate their waste. “We want to take the lead so that people find it easy to dispose of waste, it’s also easy when they want to
Gemawan Facilitates Transfer of Bang PeSoNa Program for KUPS in Mempawah
Friday (9/4), Gemawan Association facilitated the transfer of plant seeds to LPHD Bumbun and KUPS Rajak Binua Bumu’nt. This activity was carried out in Bumbun Village, Sadaniang District, Mempawah Regency. According to Lani Ardiansyah, an activist of Gemawan, the transfer
Gemawan Holds Workshop on Building Home Garden: Adaptation Effort in COVID-19 Pandemic
Various efforts have been made to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has been present since 2020. The social restrictions set as a step to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, on the one hand, have
Gemawan’s Effort to Improve Village Community Economy in Kayong Utara through Social Forestry Scheme
The Issuance of government regulation, PermenLHK No. 83, on Social Forestry opens up opportunities for villages in forest areas to improve village community economy through social forestry businesses through Village Forestry scheme. This opportunity is actualized by Gemawan in order
Enchantment of Podorukun Liberika Coffee, Coffee Products Introduced to neighboring country
Drinking coffee is a trend which is not affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The trend which has been existing for decades in the society of West Kalimantan, is not only be able to do at homes by the old generation,
Enchantment of Podorukun Liberika Coffee: Farmers’ Mainstay For Decades
Besides Liberika coffee, there are other types of coffee grown by the Podorukun community, which is robusta coffee. Yet, it is not as various as Liberika. Enchantment of Podorukun Liberika Coffee That night, the rain poured down quite heavily in
Peat Farmer Field Schools to Create Farmer Cadres
Gemawan Developed Peat Care Villages Gemawan developed Peat Farmers Field Schools (SLPG) to train farmer cadres from four Peat Care Villages in Kubu Raya Regency. A total of 20 cadres of farmer group representatives from Punggur Besar Village, Punggur Kecil
Synergy for The Strengthening of Women and Agricultural Governance Based on Local Wisdom
Mother-Earth, surely we normally hear this term. For people who depend their lives on nature, women and nature are like mothers and their children, as self and social identities, source of living, as well as guardians of tradition and the
Gemawan Initiates A CSO Forum for Grassroots Consolidation
Tuesday (02/09), Gemawan Institute conducted a CSO (Civil Society Organization) Forum with the theme “Strengthening the Roles of Civil Society Organizations to Encourage Food Synergy in Land and Forest Protection Schemes“. According to Ridho Faizinda, from Gemawan, this activity aimed
Gemawan Distributes Information Boards to 10 Primary Schools to Encourage Accountability of BOS Funds
KALBAR SATU – Gemawan Institute as a local partner cooperated with YAPPIKA Actionaid to distribute information boards to 10 (ten) assisted primary schools (SD). Ten primary schools which received the information boards included SDN (Public Primary School) 29 of Sukaramai,