Saturday (12/6), Gemawan held Women’s Leader School in Sambas Regency. With the themen Encouraging Women’s Independence to Achieve Equality, this first event was attended by 15-woman cadres who came from Lumbang, Keranji, Sebayan, Parit Raja, Setalik, Penakalan and Lubuk Lagak
Gemawan’s Effort to Improve Village Community Economy in Kayong Utara through Social Forestry Scheme
The Issuance of government regulation, PermenLHK No. 83, on Social Forestry opens up opportunities for villages in forest areas to improve village community economy through social forestry businesses through Village Forestry scheme. This opportunity is actualized by Gemawan in order
Role of Civil Society Organizations (NGOs) in Regional Sustainable Development
Opened by the Director of the Gemawan Institute, Laili Khairnur, an online seminar with the theme of the Role of Civil Society Organizations (NGOs) in Regional Sustainable Development was held on Thursday (17/12). “Gemawan participates in encouraging the involvement of
TOXIC RIVER-The fight to reclaim water from oil palm plantations in Indonesia
As the world continues to battle a pandemic, access to clean water has become more important than ever -especially since one of the best ways to protect ourselves against Covid-19 is to regularly wash our hands with clean water. A
Joint Press Statement – 2020 Earth Day Commemoration: Relying on Water Right Protection as Part of Climate Action
Joint Press Statement ECOTON – EARTH – ELSAM Earth Day Commemoration: Relying on Water Right Protection as Part of Climate Action Today, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, is the commemoration of the 50th Earth Day with the theme “Climate
Importance of Fostering Mutual Cooperation Value, School Community and Teachers of SDN 29 of Suka Ramai Holds Gotong Royong
PONTIANAK SATU – Mengisi hari libur orang tua siswa bersama komunitas sekolah SDN 29 Suka Ramai, Kabupaten Sambas, laksanakan gotong royong bersihkan lingkungan Sekolah, Minggu (19/01/2020). Pada kegiatan tersebut semua tampak begitu antusias, dengan membawa perlengkapan seperti parang, cangkul dan siswa
Due to Community Help in Sambas, Underprivileged Family sends child to school
PONTIANAK SATU – School Community (KS) and Gemawan institute supported by YAPPIKA ActionAid visited the house of school dropouts at the house of Wanfirdaus (50), Dalam Kaum Village, Sambas District, Sambas Regency, Friday (20/12/2019). The arrival of the school community was
Improving Education Quality, Teluk Kembang Village Government Gives Awards to Students
PONTIANAK SATU – In an effort to improve education quality at Public Primary School (SDN) 12 of Sangek Mangge, Teluk Kembang Village Government, Teluk Keramat Sambas District, gives a scholarship program or award as a form of appreciation to outstanding students.
Actualizing Inclusive and Quality Education, School Community as Multistakeholder Forum
KALBAR SATU – The world of education seems to never have an end of subjects of discussion with their complexity and problematics, from classic issues such as educational services, facilities and infrastructure, teaching and learning processes, regulations and so on.
School Communities in Sambas Joins Citizen Journalist Training
KALBAR SATU – School Community (KS) in Sambas regency participated in a citizen journalist training at Pantura Jaya Hotel, Sambas, which was carried out for two days from December 2-3, 2019. This activity was organized by YAPPIKA Action-Aid with a