In 2018, when Gemawan Association, in collaboration with YAPPIKA-ActionAid supported by the European Union, started the school community assistance in Sambas Regency, she was very excited to participate. Although she is not a coordinator, she is a community mobilizer. Mrs.
Construction of SDN 15 Seburing Starts, Rehabilitate Classrooms and Toilet
SAMBAS, SP – Gemawan Association transfered the renovation of classrooms and a toilet at SDN 15 Seburing, Semparuk District. The handover was done by the Deputy Member of Sambas DPRD, Suriadi and the Head of Primary Education of Education
SDN 15 Seburing Soon Has Total Renovation
SAMBAS – It is estimated that after July 2021, total renovation of five classes of SD Negeri (Public Primary School) 15 Seburing Gersik, Semparuk District, Sambas Regency, will begin. Currently, the administrative process continues, an auction will be held.
Advancing Inclusive Land Governance
In order to address and overcome this situation, Both ENDS works together with a diverse network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on inclusive land justice and land governance agendas. Successful Strategies and Practices from the Field: Inclusive Land Governance Strong
Collaboration and Synergy for Inclusive Education
In collaboration with Yappika-ActionAid, Gemawan held a Policy Dialogue at the School Community Level for Sambas Regency on Wednesday (25/11). According to Nuryani, ProInqlued District Coordinator of Gemawan Institute, Sambas, this activity aimed to inform the role of community participation
Gemawan Distributes Information Boards to 10 Primary Schools to Encourage Accountability of BOS Funds
KALBAR SATU – Gemawan Institute as a local partner cooperated with YAPPIKA Actionaid to distribute information boards to 10 (ten) assisted primary schools (SD). Ten primary schools which received the information boards included SDN (Public Primary School) 29 of Sukaramai,
Importance of Fostering Mutual Cooperation Value, School Community and Teachers of SDN 29 of Suka Ramai Holds Gotong Royong
PONTIANAK SATU – Mengisi hari libur orang tua siswa bersama komunitas sekolah SDN 29 Suka Ramai, Kabupaten Sambas, laksanakan gotong royong bersihkan lingkungan Sekolah, Minggu (19/01/2020). Pada kegiatan tersebut semua tampak begitu antusias, dengan membawa perlengkapan seperti parang, cangkul dan siswa
Due to Community Help in Sambas, Underprivileged Family sends child to school
PONTIANAK SATU – School Community (KS) and Gemawan institute supported by YAPPIKA ActionAid visited the house of school dropouts at the house of Wanfirdaus (50), Dalam Kaum Village, Sambas District, Sambas Regency, Friday (20/12/2019). The arrival of the school community was
Actualizing Inclusive and Quality Education, School Community as Multistakeholder Forum
KALBAR SATU – The world of education seems to never have an end of subjects of discussion with their complexity and problematics, from classic issues such as educational services, facilities and infrastructure, teaching and learning processes, regulations and so on.
YAPPIKA-ActionAid and Gemawan Follows Up on the Results of School Problem Identification List in Sambas
“However, we still feel grateful and would like to thank the local government of Sambas regency for their efforts to advance and improve our school condition even though it has not been fulfilled based on the school conditions,” he explained.