Gemawan Initiates Anti-Corruption School in West Kalimantan

Gemawan News– Gemawan held Anti-Corruption School abbreviated as SAKsi coordinated by a Legal Expert Staff of Gemawan, Sri Haryanti, located at the Office Hall of the Swandiri Institute, on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Gang Silva Jaya Number 3. It was attended by approximately 35 participants. (Wednesday/21/9/2016).

Sri Haryanti, who is known as Anti, said that the 35 participants were consisted of 21 men and 14 women from various regions in West Kalimantan, such as Sambas, Kubu Raya, Ketapang, Sekadau, Pontianak and even from Kapuas Hulu.

SAKsi also collaborated with Transparency International (TI) Indonesia supported by Swandiri Institute (SI), Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) of Pontianak, West Kalimantan Ombudsman Representative Office, Judicial Commission Liaison and  Kontak Rakyat Borneo, which was around 4 days from September 21 – 24, 2016.

“The SAKsi agenda is divided into 2 classes, namely the inclass which ran for 4 days, while the outclass will run for more than 2 months started on September 25 and ended on November 24,” Anti said.

This SAKsi has a pupose, Anti continued, to build and expand anti-corruption networks among the current generation in youth readiness accompanied with the application of an anti-corruption spirit so that it is packaged into a knot of corruption eradication in its surrounding environment.

Anti added, initially, the students were more dominated with basic knowledge related to anti-corruption as the basic step of SAKsi students in capacity building starting from themselves.

The students were also invited to open their mindset to take the initiative in analysing the role of the Country and communities related to building an anti-corruption movement.

“They were even invited to try to recognize the forms, models, patterns and potentials of corruption practices and gratification in law enforcement and corruption eradication in Indonesia,” she concluded.

In addition, the students of anti-corruption began their studies after the opening ceremony which was continued with several kinds of activities facilitated by some speakers, activists, and even country’s institutions experienced in corruption cases. (Aty/Wly)


Gemawan Initiates Anti-Corruption School in West Kalimantan
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