Gemawan News– Gemawan held Anti-Corruption School abbreviated as SAKsi coordinated by a Legal Expert Staff of Gemawan, Sri Haryanti, located at the Office Hall of the Swandiri Institute, on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Gang Silva Jaya Number 3. It was attended
SAKsi Agenda of Gemawan, Officially Opened by Secretary General of TI Indonesia
Gemawan News-Anti-Corruption School was held by Gemawan coordinated by Sri Haryanti, an Expert Legal Staff of Gemawan, in the Office Hall of Swandiri Institute, which was directly opened by the Secretary General of Transparency International (TI) Indonesia, Dadang Trisasongko, (Wednesday/21/9/2016).
ICW Trains Students of SAKsi in Corruption Case Investigations
Gemawan News – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Abid, who is in the Monitoring and Investigation Division, trained the participants of Anti-Corruption School related to Investigation process, in the Office Hall of Swandiri Institute, organized by Gemawan, coordinated by Sri HARYANTI,
Participants of SAKsi Ready to Monitor Judges in West Kalimantan
School of Anti-Corruption which was led by the Legal Expert Staff of Gemawan, Sri Haryanti, who is Head of the SAKsi School with her daily nickname Anti, continued the training agenda with the participants of study class held at the
SAksi “Trains Participants to Review APBD”
School of Anti-Corruption continued the training on the next material. The material which would be discussed was related to Corruption on Budgeting Sector (APBN/APBD/Village Fund), which was held at the Office of Swandiri Institute, at 15.00 – 17.30 WIB, on