VERIFIKASI PETA: Fasilitator Pemetaan/GIS Gemawan, Welly Arma (kiri) memimpin verifikasi peta desa Tanjung Satai, bersama Kades Tanjung Satai Turaidi (kedua dari kanan), Kepala Distric Officer Gemawan KKU Agus Budiman (kanan), dan warga desa di Balai Desa Tanjung Satai, Jumat (17/06/2016). Foto: Welly Arma/GEMAWAN.

MAP VERIFICATION: The facilitator of Gemawan Mapping/GIS, Welly Arma (left) led the verification of Tanjung Satai village map, with the Village Head of Tanjung Satai, Turaidi (second from right), the District Officer Head of Gemawan in KKU, Agus Budiman (right), and villagers at Tanjung Satai Village Hall, Friday (17/06/2016). Photo: Welly Arma/GEMAWAN.


Maya Island, GEMAWAN.

Building a village through spatial planning is a mutual spirit in synergizing development based on the mandate of Law No. 6 of 2014 (UU 6/2014) on Villages.


It was revealed in the strengthening of village community participation in the preparation of village spatial planning at Tanjung Satai Village Hall, Maya Island District, North Kayong Regency (KKU), West Kalimantan Province, Friday (17/06/2016).


This event is a cooperation result of Gemawan and the Village Government (Pemdes) of Tanjung Satai, followed by village apparatus and elements of community groups, presenting a spatial mapping facilitator from Gemawan association.


“We must realize that the implementation of the Village Law is a big agenda which is complex and full of challenges. We need synergistic cooperation from various elements,” Turaidi said.


He analyzed that the complexity of the problems and challenges requires all of us to immediately evaluate ourselves and take concrete actions to solve them. Coordination and consolidation are needed to unite various parties in implementing the Village Law.


“In this meeting we were given the opportunity from Gemawan to verify the map which had been processed by Gemawan’s team. For that, I suggested my friends who attend to provide feedbacks on what needs to be added or what is missing,” the Village Head of Tanjung Satai stated.


“From the map which has been presented, there are probably a lot of insights that we have got, and it is very fortunate that Tanjung Satai Village later or at least this year will have a Village Spatial Map,” he added.


The District Officer Head of Gemawan in KKU, Agus Budiman, usually called Bung Joy, expressed his gratitude to the Village Head of Tanjung Satai, Turaidi and the community of Tanjung Satai village in general, especially those who have helped his party in the making of village spatial map.


“On behalf of Gemawan Association, we certainly really appreciate that our work has been continuously supported by the Pemdes (Village Government), BPD (Village Consultative Body), and the community of Tanjung Satai village,” Bung Joy said.


This meeting is part of a series of the previous events which had been carried out, particularly in an effort to actualize the role and participation of the community in development, as an implementation of Law 6/2014 on Villages.


“The map presented up front is the result of the previous cooperation, the coordinate points that you took are the results of what had been processed,” he said.


The presentation of village verification was facilitated by the spatial mapping staff of Gemawan, Welly Arma. The map presented referred to the participatory mapping carried out by village communities and SHP (shapefile/ArcGIS) of village borders of North Kayong Regency.


Before doing the verification, Welly Arma explained that there were several things in the context of the discussion of the verification flow. The most urgent (important, Red) thing in a map based on the data collection in the field so that it can be presented in the form of a thematic map, is the village border which is a determinant of the total area of the village as well as a determinant of ​​other village areas adjacent to Tanjung Satai village.


“In the explanation regarding village borders, we have, in adavance, coordinated with relevant institutions in North Kayong Regency. Even the SHP that we used as a reference for the borders of Tanjung Satai Village is also based on the SHP for regency spatial planning, since the only regency in West Kalimantan which had accomplished the village borders is North Kayong Regency,” Welly said.


Regarding the village spatial map, which was participatively conducted by the community and assisted by Gemawan Association, is the entire things of a village area or village space which is commonly called regional vegetation.


For the residential area of Tanjung Satai village, it is described in symbolic images of every settlement, both for public facilities and villagers’ houses. It is showed in small-sized and sequential rectangular symbols colored in purple for the residential area. It appears in a small rectangle when seeing the inside of this map.


Meanwhile for the roads, straight lines are drawn on the contents on the map, as the coordinates were taken based on community participatory mapping. The flow was processed using the digitization method in the road making on the village map.


“We also display the coordinates for the village agricultural areas that were processed so that the results describe a yellow color. It is contained in the form of areas on the map of the agricultural areas here,” Welly Arma stated while showing a spatial map of Tanjung Satai village in front of the audience.


Moreover, based on one of the wealth potentials of marine product management which becomes the livelihoods of village communities by using the development of marine wealth by making fish ponds, we also processed based on the maps taken in the village area which are colored orange on the map.


The most surprising thing in the verification of the village map is that the empty area is so wide that every SHP area in that vacant land area was processed in a brown image.


“We need to study this vacant area together,” Welly Arma mentioned.


Welly also revealed the results in Tanjung Satai village map, a little space in the form of a very small area located in a rice field area by depicting the ‘highlighter green’ color.  “That is the coconut plantation of the village community which is one of the potentials of the village economy support that needs to be shown based on the reference of the coordinates taken beforehand,” Welly said.


Meanwhile, he continued, the wide expanse of green on the map is the greatest wealth of Tanjung Satai village which is the forest area seen from the map much wider than the vacant land area.


“The recommendation is to include the area of mangroves, protected forest (HL) and production forest (HP), to the borders of HP and HL. Furthermore, the rivers in Tanjung Satai village, such as the Tanggas river, Pintau river, Gambir river, Kecil river, Buaya river, Buntung river, Sui Buaya, and others. Public amenities, educational facilities such as schools, offices, PLN (State Electricity Company), clean water which the people call PDAM, Polsek (Sectoral Police), Babinsa (village supervisory non-commissioned officers), to places of worship,” Welly suggested. *


Writer: Welly Arma, Staff of Gemawan Mapping/GIS

Editor: Mahmudi

Community Participation in Spatial Planning of Tanjung Satai Village