Socialization of 2019-2023 KPK Leader Candidates Selection in Pontianak

Tribun Pontianak | Transparency International Indonesia (TII) collaborated with Gemawan Institute and Tanjungpura University Master of Science in Law Program (PMIH) held an interactive discussion “Finding integrated and competent leader candidates for KPK in regional area through the socialization of 2019-2023 leader candidates for KPK”, in Otda Room of PMIH Untan, Wednesday (19/6/2019).

Gemawan executive director, Laili Khairnur stated that this kind of activity has been periodically carried out. Every time there was a selection of leader candidates for Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), it was a joint initiation from civil society organizations. She said that KPK leader candidates must have strong integrity, and then clean and are able to clean.

She mentioned that so far there are many clean people, yet when they get into the system, they cannot do much. “The leader candidates for KPK are not supposed to be the people who have past sins, and also political attachments or political debts,” she said.

The leader of KPK also has a social perspective. The corruption issue is not solely a matter of law but also about how to build a better Indonesia in the future. If the person does not have a perspective or ideology regarding corruption eradication, it will be a big issue. Currently, there are many government programs which are not on target. Moreover, there are a lot of budget which should be allocated for good public services, but are allocated for personal interest. The impact of corruption will also be felt by wider community and very detrimental. “The corruption case of electronic ID cards (KTP), for example, has a very troubling impact on the community,” she explained.

This socialization was not only ceremonial event but it was also expected that anyone who registers and passes the administrative process will later receive public recommendations. The recommendations are not only a matter of one’s disreputation but also related to one’s integrity. Gemawan itself argues that many figures in West Kalimantan have the ability to become a KPK leader such as former officials and heads of regions who are clean can also be considered capable and its party will also encourage figures in West Kalimantan who meet the requirements to register.

She feels that the eradication of corruption in West Kalimantan for prosecution in this period is still not seen. It is expected that the future KPK leader candidates can work harder to resolve cases in West Kalimantan. The corruption prevention done by KPK is also not very bombastic. KPK may have a direct approach to local government.

However, she mentioned that based on Gemawan’s experience in assisting the provincial government in the context of encouraging regional corruption prevention strategies, only around 28 percent were willing to accept KPK recommendations. “Some time ago, Gemawan submitted a case KPK related to cases about natural resource management and there were several cases that were finally handled by the prosecutor’s office,” she concluded.


This Article was released on with the title TII, Gemawan and PMIH Untan Held Socialization of  KPK Leader Candidates Selection In West Kalimantan,

Writer: Anggita Putri

Editor: Ishak


Socialization of 2019-2023 KPK Leader Candidates Selection in Pontianak
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