KALBAR SATU – School Community (KS) in Sambas regency participated in a citizen journalist training at Pantura Jaya Hotel, Sambas, which was carried out for two days from December 2-3, 2019.
This activity was organized by YAPPIKA Action-Aid with a local partner, Gemawan institute.
The participants of this citizen journalist training consisted of 10 (ten) assisted partner school communities where every school community sent 2 participants with a total of 20 participants.
The District Coordinator (DC) of Gemawan Institute Sambas, Nurfauzah, in her opening remarks, conveyed the needs for citizen journalists for media utilization.
“The citizen journalist training activity aims to improve the capacity of partners and the school communities in the skills of writing articles, reporting, making journalist writing news, creating videos by smartphones, and utilizing social media,” he said.
In line with what was conveyed by Hardijan (CMO-YAPPIKA Action-Aid), the facilitator of citizen journalist training provided training on citizen journalism understanding, article writing (Story). “In news, as reinforcement of the fact, it is possible to put photos which are able to inspire the readers’ feelings and emotions,” the facilitator explained.
One of training participants (KS), Didit, expressed, “We feel glad and happy with this citizen journalist training since by following this training we can gain journalistic knowledge”. (*)
Sumber: kalbarsatu.id