In collaboration with Yappika-ActionAid, Gemawan held a Policy Dialogue at the School Community Level for Sambas Regency on Wednesday (25/11). According to Nuryani, ProInqlued District Coordinator of Gemawan Institute, Sambas, this activity aimed to inform the role of community participation in education, the criteria for minimum service standards for primary school infrastructure, as well as the mechanisms (proposing, implementing and supervising) of primary school rehabilitation in Sambas.
Nuryani explained that society is not the object of the development process. Therefore, community active participation to be involved in the planning, implementation, and supervision stages becomes essential so that the development runs well. “This spirit has overseen the running of Promoting Civil Society-Led Initiative for Inclusive and Quality Education in Indonesia or abbreviated as ProInQlued,” she stated.
Good management and accountability in the education sector in Indonesia is in line with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators through the active involvement of civil society in the process of public development. “Gemawan was a partner of Yappika-ActionAid for the implementation of this program in Sambas. This program was also implemented in Bima by the Bahtera Foundation and in West Sumba by Solud,” she explained further about the program.
“In particular, this ProInQlued program was intended to strengthen and enhance cooperation between civil society organizations and local governments to effectively implement inclusive and quality education,” she explained during the activity.
The activity, which was supported by the European Union, was carried out at SD Negeri 19 Medang, Sejangkung District, Sambas. Taking the theme of Minimum Service Standards for Primary School Infrastructure Education, this dialogue invited the Head of Sambas Regency National Education Department, H. Mufizar, and the Chairperson of Commission IV of Sambas Regency DPRD, Aswari, S. Sos ,. M.A.P., as the guest speakers.
According to Mursipah, Principal of SDN 19 Medang, the school condition previously was very poor. So far, there was only 1 classroom which was divided into 2 classes for the teaching and learning processes, and 1 emergency class in the hallway of the school kitchen. “After the rehabilitation in 2019, by using the funding from DAU, the school conditions has been more permanent,” she explained.
In the midst of world rapid development, the physical condition of SDN 19 Medang seems untouched by civilization. The toilet condition was so poor, the building foundation had collapsed and the floor was stuck to the ground. All this was worsened by the swampy environmental conditions not far from the river, therefore the school yard was often flooded in high tide.
Inclusive Education
According to Nuryani, the aspirations and recommendations which have been accommodated in the policy dialogue at the community level will be conveyed again in the policy dialogue forum at the regency level. “Hopefully, the education problem, especially damaged schools, will receive additional budget allocations, so that education services can run better, fairly and equally,” she concluded. This activity resulted in an agreement from Sambas Regency Education Department and the Sambas Regency DPRD for the construction of the lack of study rooms and toilets which will be realized in 2022.