In 2018, when Gemawan Association, in collaboration with YAPPIKA-ActionAid supported by the European Union, started the school community assistance in Sambas Regency, she was very excited to participate. Although she is not a coordinator, she is a community mobilizer.
Mrs. Rusmini, is one of the members of a school community at SDN 19 Medang. She is very active in the school community activities because she feels that she has an interest to make her child’s school better. Mrs. Rusmini is one of the alumni of SDN 19 Medang.
School Community Assistance
In 2018, when Gemawan Association, in collaboration with YAPPIKA-ActionAid supported by the European Union, started the school community assistance in Sambas Regency, she was very excited to participate. Although she is not a coordinator, she is a community mobilizer.
“Yes, I’m happy, I’m happy to be able to join the activities,” she said during the break of the rice harvest. She is the initiator that the community is planting rice on the land of the school.
The harvest will be used for farewell activity for the sixth graders and Khataman Al-Qur’an (Qur’an Reading Completion) event. Mrs. Rusmini explained why she took the initiative to invite other members to cultivate the school land was because she felt bad if, again, parents are burdened to pay for the costs of the farewell and khataman activities. “I feel sorry if they have to pay again, so we will use this rice for saprahan (having meal together),” she said.
In addition to being an initiator in cultivating the school land, she is a community mobilizer and is active in various community meetings both at the school and in the regency. Leo Pradana, a coordinator of Gemawan Association, who accompanied the school community at SDN 19 Medang stated, “Mrs. Rusmini is the mobilizer. In a meeting, when the school principal or community coordinator has not come, she will be the one who lead it.
Source: Yappika-ActionAid