School of Village Women Sekolah Desa Perempuan

The Village Field School in Sambas is more proactive in fighting for gender justice for the village women’s group, with the theme “Gender Mainstreaming” conducted in Penakalan Village, Monday (26/9/2016).


Penakalan Village is the target village of Gemawan’s effort for the women’s group in identifying problems faced in the field.


Through Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 on PUG, related to Gender Mainstreaming in National Development, Gemawan relaunched a movement to fight for gender for the welfare of women in Sambas Regency.


Herlina, a Gender Specialist Staff at Gemawan Sambas Office, who is called Lina on her daily basis, said the main issue is regarding the struggle of women’s groups through empowering women farmers in natural resource management in the field.


The activeness of women in working is a positive value to invite people to jointly cultivate vegetable plantations in the village.


“Alhamdulilah (thank God), the empowerment results through the activeness in the management of the plantations of women’s farmer groups have paid off,” Lina said.


She added that beside vegetable plantations, it is also equally important regarding the latest issues related to advocacy in gender equality for village development.


By socializing materials related to gender equality, it is the initial step in campaigning to all women in Sambas regarding the important role of women in building this nation. “In the future, the Movement carried out by Gemawan for Village women has become an alternative step for the government of Sambas Regency in advocating for Gender in the Village,” Lina concluded. (Wly)


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