BUREAUCRACY REFORM: A Workshop on Strategy for Development Acceleration in the Sector of Bureaucratic Reform and Anti-Corruption in Pontianak City was held at Santika Hotel Pontianak, Monday (5/9). Photo: Mahmudi/GEMAWAN.
Pontianak, GEMAWAN.
It is acknowledged by many parties, that policies and innovations in government institutions within the Pontianak City Government are quite good and better than other regions. However, it has not been optimal in government apparatus implementation related to public services.
It was revealed at the Workshop on Strategy for Development Acceleration in the Sector of Bureaucratic Reform and Anti-Corruption in Pontianak City. This workshop was held as the result of cooperation between Gemawan and Transparency International (TI) Indonesia at Santika Hotel Pontianak, Monday (5/9).
Several officials within the Pontianak City Government were present at the workshop, such as Assistant for General Administration and Development Ir Herry Hadad, Head of Inspectorate Hj Zumyati, SSos MSi, as well as Acting (Pj) Regional Secretary (Sekda), Head of Integrated Licensing Service Agency (BP2T) Drs Junaidi MSi, Head of Regional Secretariat Organization Yuni Rosdiah SIP MSi, Head of Division of Research and Development of Bappeda Harus Rasyid, and other employees.
Then the Head of Ombudsman Representative Agus Priyadi SH accompanied by his assistant Budi Rahman SSos, Head of Information Commission (KI) of West Kalimantan Province Chatarina Pancer Istiani SH MHum, Head of Liaison Office of the Judicial Commission (KY) of West Kalimantan Budi Darmawan SH.
The event was also attended by representatives of students in Pontianak city, Community of Judicial Monitoring and Anti-Corruption Civil Society (Komparasi) Nurul, Provincial Manager of Muhammadiyah Youth (PW PM) of West Kalimantan Yusuf, the Anshor Youth Movement (GP) of Kalbar, and other youth organizations.
Meanwhile, from academics, there were DR Zulkarnain MSi from Fisipol Untan (Tanjungpura University) and DR Hermansyah SH MHum from the Faculty of Law, Untan.
Director of Gemawan, Laili Khairnur, welcomed Mayor H Sutarmidji very well in the second term of his leadership, forming a development acceleration team. One of them is the acceleration of bureaucratic reform and strengthening the anti-corruption movement and campaign within the Pontianak City Government.
“The involvement mechanism in guarding and monitoring the bureaucratic reform agenda in Pontianak city needs to be strengthened and socialized. Because when there are community members who want to report injustice in public services, there are still many who do not know. On the one hand, the City Government also needs to socialize the programs and policies issued to the public,” Lalili Khairnur suggested.
Through community involvement, she continued, it indirectly became a broadcasting event of Pontianak City Government programs. For example, applying for permits to ID cards online and others.
The Assistant of Ombudsman Commission’s Representative of West Kalimantan, Budi Rahman, acknowledged that there are so many policies of the Mayor of Pontianak, H Sutarmidji, with other departments and boards in Pontianak City Government which are good and become references for other regions. However, it has lack of support from the public service apparatus. Several complaints about public services in Pontianak have been studied by the West Kalimantan Ombudsman and other elements of society.
“We appreciate various good policies of the Mayor and various institutions in the city of Pontianak in breaking the chain of long public services. However, some findings in the field show that there are still public service officers who have not been able to define good and ethical public services,” Budi Rahman said.
An academician of Tanjungpura University, DR Zulkarnain, discussed that bureaucratic reform makes the bureaucracy able to change itself to be better. However, in a research, changes for the better with various service parameters in Indonesia, apparently 20 percent change is still the highest.
“We, from the Government of Pontianak City, would like to thank Gemawan association for the cooperation in supporting the development acceleration program, particularly in the field of bureaucratic reform and anti-corruption. I am very happy with this event, but it is hoped that in the future, it will also present representatives from DPRD members of Pontianak City because it is related to policies and budgets,” Herry Haddad suggested.
Head of BP2T Pontianak, Junaidi, revealed that since September 1, 2016 all permits have been conducted online. “We also carry out online signings, so when I have to work out of town, the fast licensing service can still be carried out. We have received the ISI 9001:2008 certificate in quality management,” he explained. (Gemawan-Mah)