Village Law

After 6 years implementing Village Law Number 06 of 2014, Gemawan Institute delivered results of formulation of joint recommendation towards independent society, at Kapuas Palace Hotel, Friday (5/4/2019).


The coordinator of Gemawan Village School, M. Zuni Irawan, stated that this formulation was made initially from the spirit of law number 6 of 2014 regarding villages which put the villages as the front line of public services to society.


“The acceleration of village development requires the existence of regional government both in province and regency levels which are responsive and quick in making policy to facilitate and supervise villages to be able to implement village development paradigm.” He explained.


There were at least 12 points formulated in the seminar and workshop towards self-help and independent communities such as urging regional government to do capacity building of village officials, BPD, in terms of implementing the Village Law 6/2014.


Then, ensuring the improvement of community participation and initiative in the process of village development. The development and empowerment of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as the new economy in the village are oriented towards the society welfare, fostering social harmony and caring for ecology so that the source of living can be sustainable.


Zumi explained that the 12 results of this formulation were made from the spirit of law number 6 of 2014 concerning villages, which places villages as the front line of public services to the society.


“Villages have to be given recognition for village diversity, village governance, community participation institutionalization as well as financial plan and management rights. With the delegation of rights and authorities followed by the certainty of budget policies through village funds, it is expected to be able to boost the acceleration of development equity to overcome poverty and underdevelopment in the village, “he explained.


He continued, at the level of regional government, the regional heads should be responsive in making policies in which they can facilitate and supervise the village in order to be able to implement the village development paradigm.


Similarly, at the village level which requires a new style of leadership which is populist and involves community participation.


He explained that today the capacity of village government is still low since it does not have service facilities and infrastructure, limited village officials and Human Resources (HR), and village heads who are oriented to their own relatives.


“The village democratization should be able to run with the existence of active and empowered society, responsive and aspirational village government, functioning BPD supervision, and representative and participative village meetings. In addition, the village policies also have to be oriented on the welfare and care for vulnerable groups, “he added.


This article was released on entitled Gemawan Supports Village Laws Implementation towards Independent Society,

Writer: Maudy Asri Gita Utami

Editor: Jamadin


Gemawan Supports Village Law Implementation Towards Independent Society
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