Duh, Already Registered BPJS, Still Have to Ransom Medicines Outside

The number of problems found by Gemawan in the research about the implementation of health insurance in Pontianak City, invited BPJS side to speak out.

The head of membership and participant service division of BPJS Pontianak, Wenny Silvia Marinda, said that her party will do further evaluation and coordination both internally and with collaborating parties to provide maximum service to BPJS patients.

“We will follow up on the findings and complaints of the patients based on the existing regulations and will as much as possible provide the best service.” she mentioned, Monday (11/9/2017).

This far, she indeed admitted that patients’ complaints are still found to the hospitals and bad doctors who did not follow the procedures and the MoU stated in the cooperation clause.

So far, according to the findings of Gemawan’s research, there are still many patients who have been told by the hospital to buy medicines outside with their own money, while according to Wenny, the patients are no longer allowed to spend even a penny if they have become the users of national health insurance managed by BPJS.

“Whatever the reason is, BPJS patients should no longer spend cost at the hospital. If the medicine runs out, then the hospital or pharmacy will have to take care of it, because the medicine is already included in the payment package,” she said.

She also asked the community to actively make a report if there are hospitals and bad doctors who ask for more money and tell to buy medicines outside.


Source: http://pontianak.tribunnews.com/2017/09/11/duh-sudah-ikut-bpjs-masih-saja-tebus-obat-di-luar

Duh, Already Registered BPJS, Still Have to Ransom Medicines Outside
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