Perhutanan Sosial Hutan Desa Gambut

In village forest management, the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) of Tanjung Satay runs group independence with the principle of mutual cooperation for the sustainability of the group. This is the same as being conveyed by the Head of Tanjung Satay Village LPHD Group, Gunawan, that the group he formed is always active and disciplined in every agenda of group meeting. Not only limited to meetings, field activities are also carried out for the management and the use of land and forests, through sharing of information and knowledge by every member of the group.

“We conduct a meeting once a week, on Friday, with a fee of twenty thousand rupiahs, for consumption and group logistical needs. It is no wonder that we call this as our school.” he revealed.

The officer of Forest Management Unit (KPH) of North Kayong, Tateman, was amazed to see the activities of LPHD group in Maya Island District. He is also ready to assist the needs of LPHD in the increase of group capacity with economic and beneficial forest plants for forest conservation.

“With the existence of an active LPHD group like this, it can be a trigger for other LPHD groups and become a model for the community about the importance of forest management and preservation,” he added.

The staff of Gemawan of KKU District, Welli Arma, was also very enthusiastic about the activities carried out by LPHD fellows who always routinely continue to hold group meetings.

Besides the capacity building, the LPHD Group of Tanjung Satay is also active in several fields, namely fish breeding, animal husbandry, to the utilization of HHBK (Non-Timber Forest Products) for animal feed in the area of village forest.

“We hope that the routine group meetings like this will become a model for other LPHD groups. Moreover, the independence and sustainability of the group will also be a top priority in the coaching and mentoring of the formed LPHD groups”, he hoped. (WA)



First Released on the page of Kalbar Today entitled Through Self-Reliance and Mutual Aid, LPHD of Tanjung Satai Village Implements Group Independence and Sustainability on February 3, 2021.


Through Self-Reliance and Mutual Aid, LPHD of Tanjung Satai Village Implements Group Independence and Sustainability
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