Sunday (7/2), North Coast Women’s Union (Serumpun) of Sambas conducted a Strategic Planning (SP). Gemawan has also contributed in the establishment of Serumpun since 2009. Since then, Gemawan has been assisting an organization consisting of 23 women’s groups in Sambas and Singkawang. In Sambas, the members of Serumpun are spread in 16 villages, while the rest are in 7 subdistricts in Singkawang.
According to the facilitator of the activity, Ridho Faizinda, this time the strategic planning of Serumpun was carried out in two different places. “SP of Serumpun Sambas was conducted in the Meeting Room of Sambas Polytechnic. Meanwhile, for Singkawang Serumpun, it was held in the Government Hall of Singkawang City. ” Ridho stated.
The Director of Gemawan, Laili Khairnur, in her welcoming remarks stated that in the future, Serumpun can become Gemawan’s friend along with other empowerment organizations. “To us, it is also a success since we have been able to lift up the position of all women here in an equal position with us. Moreover, in my opinion, this has happened for almost 3 years. “she explained.
Laili hopes that Serumpun of Sambas and Singkawang are able to access independent programs, as well as do their own activities and innovate. “Gemawan will continue to help access information and inform that Serumpun is an equal work partner with Gemawan and other empowerment organizations,” she added.
This strategic planning aims to reflect and evaluate the achievements of Serumpun for the past 11 years as well as formulate the strategic plans of Serumpun organization. “Later there will be 2 Serumpuns, namely Sambas Serumpun and Singkawang Serumpun. Since the areas are different, the people are different, therefore it is indeed better to be differentiated.” she said again. According to Laili, this will create a climate of positive competition, so that every group will compete to perform the best things they have.
Until today, Serumpun has succeeded in creating women cadres who become the movers in the village. Serumpun has also initiated the formation of Serumpun store which becomes a means for the members to market the members’ products, both online and offline in collaboration with Gemawan. Some Serumpun groups have also been active in activities which support family food security by making vegetable and Toga (family medicinal plants) demonstration plots, as well as taking an active role in protecting the environment by establishing a waste bank. One of the Serumpun members also received an international award for the natural dye weaving product, which becomes one of the group’s featured products.
All of these become opportunities in cooperating with various parties, including the government. According to Laili, development in the sense of improved change requires cooperation with various parties in the form of collaborative governance. “It is a collaboration between the government and civil society organizations to develop an area, one of which is in Sambas Regency,” she explained. Therefore, in this strategic planning, a seminar was held presenting guest speakers from the Department of Social, Community and Village Empowerment of Sambas Regency, the Depatment of Women Empowerment and Family Planning of Sambas Regency, as well as the Department of Cooperatives, MSMEs, Industry and Trade of Sambas Regency.
Serumpun and Village SDGs
“The development of village is directed for the development of Village SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). If the common SDGs consist of 17 goals, then the Village SDGs consist of 18 goals.” Laili mentioned again. Village SDGs are total development on villages which leads to 18 sustainable development goals in villages. Village SDGs become the pillars of independence in villages which consists of political democracy, economic democracy, and empowerment.
In Laili’s perspective, Serumpun is very potential to give contribution in achieving the goals of the Village SDGs. “Especially with the 5th SDGs which is very close to the participation of village women, related to climate-friendly, without fires, and so on.” she explained. She hopes that women who are incorporated in Serumpun can contribute, just like the theme of this activity, Serumpun Towards Village SDGs Implementation.
After Sambas, a similar strategic planning was also conducted by Singkawang Serumpun on Tuesday (9/2) at the Government Hall of Singkawang City which was opened directly by the Deputy Mayor of Singkawang, Drs. Irwan. (Reza)