Peat Sekolah Lapang Petani Gambut

Gemawan trained 25 farmers from 5 villages in Kayong Utara Regency in a farmer field school on peatland. This is expected to be able to increase farmers’ income during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Head of Seponti District, Safwan Noor SM said the peat farmer field school training was welcomed very well by the community. He admitted that most of the areas in Seponti District are peat areas, and are prone to fires.

“I am happy that a training for peat farmer field school has been facilitated because most of the areas in Seponti District are peatlands. If there is fire season, meanwhile until today the people themselves have not known the appropriate way so that the land will not be burned, “he explained when delivering his welcome speech as well as opening the Training of Trainers for Peat Care Village, Peat Farmer Field School, Thursday (5/11)

Empowered Farmers, Protected Peat, Prosperous Community

Bringing up the theme Empowered Farmers, Protected Peat, Prosperous Community, a total of 25 farmers participated in this activity. Every five participants represented four villages in Seponti District namely, Wonorejo Village, Podorukun Village, Seponti Jaya Village, Telaga Arum Village and one village from Teluk Batang District namely Telaga Arum Village in PKK Building, Telaga Arum Village, Seponti District, North Kayong Regency .

The training lasted for five days until November 11, in which the participants received theoretical and practical materials.

The materials delivered included Peat Care Village, Peat Farmer Field School, Basic Skills for Field School Guides, Getting to Know Peatlands, Opening up Burnt Land, The Making of Organic Fertilizers, Integrated Agriculture on Peatlands, Institutional and Social Capital.

The goal is that those completed the training will become pioneering cadres of peat farmers from 5 peat care villages in Kayong Utara Regency, the participants will have an understanding and skills in zero burning agricultural land cultivation and there will be practice, exchange of local knowledge of farmers in sustainable management of peat agricultural land in their villages.

“This training has been very useful because it can provide new enlightenment and knowledge related to agricultural management on peatlands, a new enthusiasm for farming and it is exected to be able to improve welfare, not only for yourself, but also for others,” said Sujarwo, a participant from Wonorejo Village.

Meanwhile, M. Zuni Irawan, the Program Manager of Gemawan Institute, said that this program would contribute to the achievement of the Peat Care Village (DPG) established by BRG in peat restoration areas in Kubu Raya and Kayong Utara Regencies.

“To support the priority for peat restoration that is managed by BRG in 2020, Gemawan as an implementing partner with the support of the United Nations Office for Project Service (UNOPS) compiled a program to strengthen the capacity of farmer groups through the development of field school and mini demonstration plots in 9 Peat Care Villages in West Kalimantan. “He said. (dan)



Pontianak Post, Monday, November 9, 2020, with the title Zero Burning Peatland Agriculture

Protecting Peat with Field School for Peat Farmers in 5 Villages
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