kelompok perempuan women's group

“Therefore, women’s groups are needed to be able to accommodate women’s activities. One of them is in Kayong Utara Regency, which is one of the work bases for Gemawan Institute assistance.” (Maulisa, Community Organizer, Gemawan)

Gemawan Institute formed women’s groups in five villages in Kayong Utara Regency, West Kalimantan.

This was done as an initial step in encouraging the involvement and increasing the role of women to actively participate in the fields of economic, social, development, etc.

Either directly or indirectly, this activity had been separately conducted for five days in five villages from January 8 to January 12, 2021.

Those mentioned villages include Banyu Abang in Teluk Batang District, then Podorukun, Wonorejo, Seponti Jaya, and Telaga Arum in Seponti District.

This activity was attended by women’s representatives in each village. They came from different backgrounds and professions, such as vegetable farmers, farm and garden wage earners, food craftswomen, housewives and so on.

The agenda was filled with the formation of women’s groups which was conducted in discussion by determining the group names and the management board.

In addition, it was also filled with the identification of the potentials existing in every village by every group, whether in the plantation, agriculture, or fishery sectors.

At the same time, the potential mapping results of the members, administrators, and the surrounding environment were also presented to be then developed to support and improve the economy of women.

One of the boards of Sri Rezeki women’s group from Seponti Jaya Village, Samsiroh, admitted that she was very grateful for the presence of Gemawan Institute in facilitating the formation of this women’s groups.

She hopes that this group will become a forum to improve the women’s potentials in the villages, especially Seponti Jaya Village.

“We really hope that the program which is going to be implemented will be able to increase the potentials of mothers so that in the end they can raise their income in increasing the family’s economy,” she said, Tuesday, January 12, 2021.

The same thing was also conveyed by Jamakatun from Podorukun Village.

She said, because of the presence of Gemawan Institute, they can get together to carry out activities so that it can be a place to stay in touch and exchange information, knowledge and experiences among each other.

“We hope that through this organization we can improve women together, including those in the villages,” she said.

The assistant from Gemawan Institute in Kayong Utara, Maulisa, explained that this activity was in line with Gemawan’s vision and missions, which is to create a sovereign and dignified civil society.

Meanwhile, one of their missions is to strengthen the role of women and other marginalized groups to achieve gender justice and economic independence.

Maulisa explained, in natural resources management, for example, women’s role has definitely big contribution to be involved in it.

Starting from land management, plant maintenance, harvesting, crop yield processing, to marketing.

“Women play an active role in the management of other natural resources. Water, land, agriculture, plantation and coastal area management cannot be separated from women’s participation,” said Maulisa.

Women’s Groups to accommodate women’s activities

So, according to her in this case, Gemawan Institute sees the significance of strengthening the active role of women in natural resource management and development.

“Therefore, women’s groups are needed to be able to accommodate women’s activities. One of them is in Kayong Utara Regency, which is one of the work bases for Gemawan Institute assistance,” added Maulisa.


This article was released on with the title Gemawan Forms Women’s Groups in Five Villages in Kayong Utara,
Writer: Adelbertus Cahyono

Editor: Hamdan Darsani

Gemawan Forms Women’s Groups in 5 Villages in Kayong Utara
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