Bang Pesona | Bantuan untuk KUPS Perhutanan Sosial

Friday (9/4), Gemawan Association facilitated the transfer of plant seeds to LPHD Bumbun and KUPS Rajak Binua Bumu’nt. This activity was carried out in Bumbun Village, Sadaniang District, Mempawah Regency.

According to Lani Ardiansyah, an activist of Gemawan, the transfer of these plant seeds is part of the Social Forestry Development Management program (Bang PeSoNa) of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK). “In addition to the transfer of plant seeds, previously there was also a transfer of 11 goats,” the social activist who is familiarly called Ucup explained.

Bumbun Village is one of the villages included in the Indicative Map of Social Forestry Areas (PIAPS) in West Kalimantan. Bumbun has obtained a permit to manage the Social Forestry area with Decree Number SK.10046/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/12/2019 in 2019.

“Now, the seeds that were transferred to KUPS (Social Forestry Business Group, ed.) were seeds of jengkol, durian, rambutan, petai, and mango plants,” Ucup said at the activity which was attended by BPD and the Head of Bumbun Village.

Through Bang PeSoNa, the government intends to provide stimulants to the beneficiaries and aims to improve the participants’ business capabilities in the Social Forestry program inside and around the forests in order to contribute to actualize the community welfare. In Bumbun, the total Rp. 50,000,000.00 fund received is used for the procurement of plant seeds, goats, and construction of gazebos. “The gazebo is used by KUPS Rajak Binua Bumu’nt to support natural tourism activities of Bukit Batu Niningk’ which is in a protected forest area in Bumbun Village,” he added.

KUPS Rajak Binua Bumu’nt was founded on October 8, 2020 in Bumbun Village. The group consisting of young generation is chaired by Andreas Andre, one of the youth leaders from Bumbun. Andre expressed his gratitude to Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership Center of Kalimantan Regional for the Bang PeSoNa program. “This assistance means a lot to us in protecting the forest and the environment in our village,” he concluded.


Gemawan Facilitates Transfer of Bang PeSoNa Program for KUPS in Mempawah
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