Sumber Cahaya Women’s Group is an assisted group by Gemawan West Kalimantan and it is conducting its first harvest of organic brown rice in Simpang Tiga Sembelangaan Village, Nanga Tayap District, Ketapang Regency.
“This is the first time we can harvest brown rice which was cultivated organically by utilizing an idle land, especially land that was burned some time ago,” said Gemawan facilitator, Maulisa Fahrurrazi, to media team, Saturday (01/02/2020).
Even though it was just a few, Maulisa continued, we had to struggle to fight against the sparrow pests because the time for rice planting was almost over, so that the existing rice fields became easy targets for the sparrows.
“However, it did not lower the enthusiasm of women who mostly work in palm oil plantations to keep making efforts to plant brown rice organically, which is said to be very beneficial for health,” she added.
In addition, farming activities done between daily activities in groups are also useful to build friendship and can foster the spirit of farming.
“It was getting lower every day, since most of the people have switched professions or worked in palm oil companies, both companies and independently,” she said.
“In one year of the group’s journey, we also do monthly meetings to design some work plans which will be implemented the next one year,” Maulisa concluded. (*)