For almost a year now, Kelompok Delima, Kelompok Sumber Sejahtera and Kelompok Anggrekin Seponti District, Kayong Utara Regency, West Kalimantan Province, has been concerned about processing agricultural commodities derived from Jengkol fruit. With the Latin name Archidendron pauciflorum, this plant is processed by Gemawan’s women assisted group into Jengkol crackers and Jengkol chips.
This fruit with a very intense aroma is effortless to find in the environment where they live, which is mostly peatland.
According to information from these women, when the harvest season arrives, one tree can sometimes produce up to 1 quintal of harvest. Unfortunately, the selling price they get is not balanced with their costs. They even pick fruit and transport the harvest only. As a result, sometimes, the fruit that should have entered the picking season is left to fall and rot or be distributed to the nearest neighbors. They even gladly accept collectors who want to harvest the Jengkol fruit themselves; even though the price paid is modest, the average price is Rp. 700.00 to Rp. 800.00 per kilo. However, they admit they are pretty happy; at least they can still get rupiah from their Jengkol fruit.
This situation encourages women in the village to increase the selling value of Jengkol. Finally, after discussing and looking for information from the media, together with the facilitator from Gemawan, they ventured to try to make Jengkol crackers and Jengkol chips. It turns out that this innovation cannot be tried once but must be repeated several times until the suitable composition and technique for the recipe’s obtained.
After being produced, they conduct market tests to get ratings from potential consumers for the products. It is very helpful to get information and suggestions on their products to improve the quality of products, packaging, labels, prices, packing, etc.
Jengkol, Culinary: Supports the family’s economy
Slowly, with hard work, and continuous innovation, products from Jengkol raw materials began to be produced continuously. Although the production is still on a household scale, its marketing has reached outside the region. The profits from this sale have even been able to help their family’s economy. The group has also received halal certification from the West Kalimantan Province LP POM MUI.
With the innovations that have been made, this group of women certainly cannot be complacent. They aspire to develop other derivative products considering the abundance of raw materials around them.
This content has been broadcast on Kompasiana.com, the title “Derived Products Processing on Peatlands, Women of the Assistance Group of Lembaga Gemawan turn Jengkol into Culinary with Economic Value”, Click to read:
Writer: Maulisa Icha
Translated by: Ridho Faizinda
Editor: Muhammad Yamin A. P.