Laili trains women from different ethnic and religious groups to collaborate to improve family income and agricultural practices. As their collaborations succeed, women become recognized as community leaders, who then work across boundaries to protect natural resources, establish land rights,
Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact
Clothing retailers like Zara, Forever 21, and H&M make cheap and fashionable clothing to satisfy the needs of young consumers. Yet, fast fashion has a significant environmental impact. According to the UN Environment Programme, the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water
What is Fast Fashion?
Fast fashion is a term used to describe cheap and low quality clothing that are rapidly produced and are cycled in and out the market quickly to meet new trends. People around the world have increasingly become more aware and
Writing Future History: Anniversary Reflection in the Midst of Pandemic
The future is not about something we get, but about something we strive for. The pillars of Gemawan’s fights – political sovereignty, economic independence, gender justice, ecological justice, and cultural character – require Gemawan movement to always be able to