To optimize the strengthening of women’s economy, the Women’s Consortium for the Sustainability of West Kalimantan encourages patterns of women’s empowerment which require fundamental changes.
A series of assisting programs conducted by the Women’s Consortium to encourage household economic independence and meet family nutritional needs through sustainable agriculture were not only done by providing technical training regarding sustainable agriculture, technical marketing and business management.
After the program implementation which had lasted for 17 months from August 2016 to December 2017, there were definitely many lessons that can be taken from the involvement of women in group organizing, sustainable agriculture, family economy strengthening, village economic institutions and the knowledge dissemination in the form of citizen journalism.
This process was documented in the form of books, films and leaflets so that the knowledge and good practices gained during this program can be replicated and adopted by other women or communities who have or have not been involved with similar programs, as a reference for success and minimizing risks.
This good practice launching activity was part of knowledge management in the program “An Initiative to Strengthen the Economic Development of Women’s Groups through Sustainable Agriculture and Empowerment” in Kapuas Hulu and Sintang Regencies.
This knowledge management was carried out by Khatulistiwa Women’s Journalists as the Consortium member and the program implementation team with the support from MCA – Indonesia and KEHATI Foundation as GPM PSDABM (Community Based Natural Resource Management).