North Kayong Regency (KKU) is the first area in West Kalimantan to implement the Village Law. However, in the process of realizing this, human resources become an issue for the local government so that products of the Village Law such as the large amount of village funds can be used to develop villages.
The regent of North Kayong, Hildi Hamid, admitted that in actualizing the Village Law in North Kayong, Human Resources (HR) become a problem in implementing Law Number 6 of 2014.
“Human resources are still a challenge, such as the capability of village officials in term of making a repot is always late.” he told Pontianak Post when becoming a speaker at the seminar and workshop held at Grand Mahkota Hotel, Thursday (30/3).
To solve this problem, his party has conducted technical guidance to the village officials to improve human resources, officials and also apparatus of the village itself.
The Program Manager of Gemawan, M. Zuni Irawan, said that in the process of strengthening the village, North Kayong is indeed one of the first regencies to allocate the village fund. “North Kayong has budgeted earlier. One of the innovations from the village itself, “he said.
In addition, he continued, Kayong has become a regency in which nearly 95 percent of the borders have been accomplished.
“For that borders, approximately 900 million was allocated. The problem of the borders is also becoming a debate in other regencies. Then, why did it turn out to be able to happen in North Kayong?” he said.
The village head of Pampang Harapan said that Kayong Regency was the first regency in West Kalimantan to implement the Village Law.
“Alhamdulillah (thank God), it ran smoothly and safely thanks to the guidance of the Regent who was serious and immediately approached us, the village heads, to socialize the product of Law Number 6.” he said. (gef)