Village Funds Affirmative Action

Executive Director of Gemawan Association in West Kalimantan, Laili Khairnur, believes that it is time for village communities to rise economically and that can be achieved one of them through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes).

She thinks that the economy in village areas is still weak. The large amount of Village Funds must be used to develop the potential of MSMEs in rural areas.

“In the current era, the village must no longer rely on raw commodities. However, other sectors are also able through the development of BUMDes, “he said, Sunday (9/4/2017).

Laili stated that the village community must be more creative in creating value-added products. Village funds can be used for BUMDes.

BUMDes must play a role in optimizing the economic potential of the village, especially MSMEs. The village must also be accurate to see the promising market, and become a supplier to the market’s needs.

Unfortunately, there are not many BUMDes in West Kalimantan, so that the economic benefits have not been felt.

“I think there are only four percent of villages which own incorporated BUMDes. The number is supposed to be much higher.”Laili said.

In addition, the utilization of the Village Fund, she said, must be adjusted to the needs and potential of each village.

However, for that, there has not been comprehensive study and research discussing the potential of each village or area.

The village development must fit the profile, economic potential, culture and needs of the village itself. Development is also not merely about the physical project, but also the human.

“Don’t let the village build bridges or any other projects which they actually do not really need. It is possible that they need the presence of teachers or health workers more.” he revealed.




Improving Village Economy, Gemawan Kalbar Encourages to Maximize Role of BUMDes
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